Has Your Hot Water Tank Or Hot Water Heater Stopped Working?
We Repair and Replace Hot Water Heating Systems
Hot Water Heaters or Hot Water Tanks are an essential part of any modern Durham, NC household. Life as you know it comes to a screeching, grinding halt when we don’t have any access to hot water! Have you ever had to take a cold shower because your hot water tank wasn’t working properly? Well, then we certainly don’t have to preach to you that hot water is an essential part of any home. Do we?
Like everything mechanical in your home Hot Water Heaters are prone to failure, sometimes they will last only a few years if you didn’t get something of high quality or it was installed poorly.
While many of the better quality and well known Hot Water Heater brands can last 10 years or more when properly cared for.
Here are a few signs you might need to replace your water heater.
#1. How old is your Hot Water Tank? A water heater is expected to only last 8-12 years.
#2. Do you get colored or tinted hot water from your taps?
#3. Do you notice decreased temperature, and you haven’t changed the setting?
#4. Do you notice any moisture around the base of your hot water tank?
#5. An ice cold shower first thing in the morning is a pretty good sign that something is wrong.
#6. A flood in the area around the water heater is a sure sign that you need a new one, but by this time it’s going to probably damage your flooring too!
A1 Electrical HVAC is a full service plumbing contractor specializing in Hot Water Tank repairs, service, sales and installations. We can quickly tell you what needs to be done with your water heater and can either repair or replace the water heater usually the same day.
If you’ve just experienced a hot water tank failure, now may also be a good time to start researching Tankless Water Heaters.
They are a much more efficient and reliable method of heating the water in your home. A1 Electrical HVAC LLC can help you choose and install the best hot water heating system for your specific needs.